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Yilu Week Berlin - Chen Taijiquan

Chen Taijiquan Berlin
In-person courses
Wed 16 October 2024 9:30 pm - Sun 20 October 2024 3:30 pm
Event registration ended at Thu 3 October 2024 .


Booked out if it's somehow urgent you wanna come or you already booked an international flight or something please write an email 🙏🏼

Chen Taijiquan Intensive

A full week of yilu, first road of gongfujia of Chen-Style Taijiquan. Restricted number of participants. Please get in touch to get more info at info [at]

Intensive training of the first form, right in the center of Berlin, limited number of participants! All sections will be learned and repeated together and individually refined later. This is a pretty frontal class with a lot of input for everyone so you can make quick progress in the art. For newcomers from other styles and experienced veterans. We will cover some application work so the intention of the movements can better understood. I'm looking forward to another intensive workshop!


Wednesday: Section I+II

Thursday: Section III

Friday: Section IV

Saturday: Section V

Sunday: Section VI-VII

Location: Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin, Germany

Times: weekdays 9.30am-2.30pm and Saturday and Sunday 9.30am-4pm

Coach: Nabil Ranné



Intensives Training der ersten Form, direkt in der Hauptstadt, begrenzte Personenzahl! Alle Sektionen werden morgens gelernt und wiederholt und nachmittags individuell verfeinert. Daher schaffen wir Platz für gut strukturiertes Neulernen und Vertiefen. Korrekturen, das Vermitteln kleiner und großer Kräfte sowie die gezielte Arbeit an Punkten unseres Kurrikulums sind Schwerpunkt dieser Intensivwoche! Es werden auch Anwendungen vermittelt, um die Intention in den Bewegungen klarzumachen. Der Workshop ist für Neulerner:innen und Expert:innen geeignet. 


Mittwoch: Sektion I+II

Donnerstag: Sektion III

Freitag: Sektion IV

Samstag: Sektion V

Sonntag: Sektion VI-VII


Ort: Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin

Zeit: wochentags 9.30-14.30 und Samstag und Sonntag von 9.30-16.00 Uhr

Trainer: Nabil Ranné

Booking information

Full week ticket
320.00 € 5 day ticket
220.00 € Ticket for 3 days

If the class has not enough participants we will refund the fee immediately. In case one single class cannot take place we will notify you beforehand. This should be a rare case however :)a

You can contact nabil at nabil [at] if have any questions. 


after you click on the 'book' button you will see all available options!
 Payment Methods