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We had another great Q&A session talking about some theory and also about some problems students encountered. This is just an extract of the longer version but maybe you would like to check it out. 

Talk is about silk reeling concepts, problems in basic silk reeling exercises, about the "beisikou" concept, about weight changes, knee health and more. Some parts which seemed of more interest to our students only were taken out, but I think there are parts which might also be interesting for others and maybe even spark some interesting discussion. Questions usually come from all levels, from teachers as well as beginners, but it is a very casual format so I think everybody can join and have a good time :-)

The questions and answers sessions are primarily for students of Nabil but also open for everyone who wants to join and who has some questions on Chen Taijiquan in general. If you wanna join next time just go here to the next Q&A session. 

This time we have the following questions in the extract I made public:

0:00 start 

0:19 intro to this q&a format

0:53 taking about the gaze and how it affects body perception

5:12 role of weapons for internal development

9:19 when should we begin to learn weapons

10:33 pressing, peng, grabbing they create tension how can we cope with this

11:03 the balance of song and peng

17:22 how does one practice peng with the relaxation you mentioned

21:19 should we train applications for each movement

23:32 what problems should we avoid in silk reeling

27:34 can you say something about the beisikou concept and it's relationship to the silk reeling

32:54 can you say something about knee health

36:04 how should one start to progress towards weight shifting and beisikou as a beginning student from another lineage